Therapeutic Modalities for Trauma, PTSD, and Addiction
Since trauma affects us psychologically and physically, it is necessary to treat both mind and body. I'm trained (certified) in brain/body therapies including: Group therapy, EMDR, Brainspotting, and NARM.
These modalities are highly effective in reducing symptoms like anxiety, panic and depression. which sometimes stem from developmental or shock trauma.
The terms trauma, abuse, and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are often used interchangeably. Sometimes people use the word trauma to describe an event, or to describe a response to an event. PTSD is one way of responding to trauma.
Symptoms of PTSD include:
Re-experiencing- Disturbed sleep, intrusive memories, flashbacks, distressing dreams, nightmares, reliving the event, a view of the world as unsafe.
Numbing and Avoiding- Mistrust of others, isolation and disconnection, emotional numbness, low self-esteem, ability to remember events of feelings but not both, memory loss for certain events, loss of faith and hope.
Hyperarousal- Intense emotions, difficulty sleeping, panic and anxiousness, self-harm, risky behaviors, irritability, anger, difficulty concentrating
Using a relational approach, and Somatic Psychotherapy, we take time to explore what's happening with you internally (in your nervous system) so you can learn how to stay calm and "regulated" when you feel triggered.