
Brainspotting & Money Training
(formerly knwon as Moneyspotting)


Brainspotting and Money:
Online Professional Training for Clinicians

WHAT IS the focus of brainspotting & Money Training?

A combination of Brainspotting setups and financial exploration designed to reduce clients’obstacles to financial well-being. 

Clients who have experienced developmental trauma usually struggle with self-worth; this can impact their relationship with money and earning. This can show up in a myriad of ways including generalized financial anxiety, underearning, overworking, debting, hoarding, etc. Sometimes money gets coupled with security and people feel intense fear and anxiety during financial transactions.  

This live, virtual 1-day training will teach you to identify and use Brainspotting to process the patterns that keep your clients stuck in unhealthy patterns with money.


1. Two powerful Brainspotting and Money set-ups: Rate spotting and Worth spotting 

2. Deepen your knowledge of the relationship between trauma and financial stress

3. Explore your own beliefs about money and how they impact your work (Financial Countertransference)

4. The Klontz Money Script Inventory (KMSI) + how to incorporate it into Brainspotting and Money work

And much more!

Who benefits from Brainspotting and money set-ups?

  • Solopreneurs who long to raise their rates but don’t

  • Clients who work for other people and feel hesitant to ask for a raise

  • Therapists and other healers who struggle with setting their fees

  • People who want to make a large purchase (car purchase, home purchase) and feel blocked

  • Clients who engage in financial deprivation

I can help you help your clients


Support your clients



The details

Requirements: Phase 1 Brainspotting training is a prerequisite for this training

Date:  Regretfully, the February 2025 training has been cancelled, a new date will be posted soon.

Cost: $250 Standard Registration

Cancellation policy: Cancellations received prior to January 31st will be eligible for a full refund less a $25 processing fee. After the 31st, attendees will be given a credit toward another training.

Call me at 310-319-6500 or email therapy@mariagray.net with any questions. 


"Well worth doing this training as I can see so clearly a different route into the core wounding of people. Loved seeing your skilled presence in the demo. There was guidance and then yielding in a beautiful flow. Your clinical experience was clear to see." - Linda Beckett, MD, CCFP, BCN

"Very knowledgeable and presented the materials in an engaging and accessible manner. I quite liked your style of teaching, including demonstrating ways to work creatively in a session."- Trish Amish, PhD

"I learned a lot about my own styles and approaches, and what my growth edges are! Thank you!"   -Rachel Robbins, Psy.D.

"Maria was very interactive and I appreciated her answering questions in the moment. I really enjoyed this training and would do a part two if there was ever one available."- Daphne Burns, LPC, SEP

I’m Maria Gray,

your teacher and guide

I’m a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a certified Brainspotting therapist, Brainspotting Consultant, Trainer and Training Assistant; I love Brainspotting! I was fortunate to be mentored by Dr. Pie Frey and Lisa Larson, LMFT. 

I spent the first half of my professional life working in the corporate world and that’s impacted my clinical work. 

Do you have questions about the brainspotting + Money training?

Fill out the contact form to ask me anything about this offering, or about my therapy services.

If you do not hear back from me within 1 business day, it’s possible that I may not have received your email; feel free to follow up with a call to 424-442-9704