Group Therapy: Online in California and New York
Current Groups
Women's Group therapy los angeles
Mondays ONLINE 10:30AM-11:45AM PACIFIC
The therapeutic goal of this group is to help women gain a deeper understanding of how past experiences may be impacting their present moment. With this awareness, group members can begin to create a more fulfilled life and integrated sense of self.
Topics explored in group include: Codependency, healthy relationships, addictive behaviors and cultivating happiness
Los Angeles + online co-ed Groups
Tuesdays ONLINE 12:00PM-1:15PM PACIFIC
Wednesdays ONLINE 8:00am-9:15am PACIFIC
Wednesdays ONLINE 12:15pm-1:30pm PACIFIC
This is a mixed gender group for adults who experience symptoms of anxiety and/or depression. Group members are encouraged to put their thoughts, feelings and impulses into words .Group therapy offers an environment where you can learn more about yourself and the way you are perceived by others.
Tuesdays IN PERSON 9:30AM-10:45AM
This is a mixed gender group for adults who are interested in deepening their relationships with others and with themselves. Group members are encouraged to put their thoughts, feelings and impulses into word. Group therapy offers an environment where you can learn more about yourself and the way you are perceived by others.
About group Therapy with Maria Gray, LMFT, NMP, CGP
I offer group therapy in Los Angeles and my online groups are open to anyone living in California or Texas.
I am a Certified Group Therapist (CGP) and a member of the American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA). I served on the board of The Group Psychotherapy Association of Los Angeles (GPALA) for four years. I’m sure it's obvious to you that I’m a huge fan of group psychotherapy.
Group works! In studies comparing group psychotherapy to individual therapy, group therapy has been shown to be as effective and sometimes even more effective. In cases of medical illness, there is substantial evidence that this form of therapy helps people cope better with their illness, enhances the quality of their lives and, in some cases, such as breast cancer, has even been shown to help people live longer.
what to know about group therapy
How can group therapy benefit me?
Group therapy reduces feelings of social isolation
Ongoing relationships between group members provide a level of scaffolding that clients can incorporate into their daily lives, especially when they are facing challenging decisions
Members learn how to put their thoughts and feelings into words toward others and toward themselves; as clients increase their ability to express their thoughts and feelings, this often leads to healthier and happier relationships
Group therapy offers clients access to preverbal material: the earliest trauma
Clients have the benefit of experiencing multiple transferences, not just a single transference from the therapist, but seven or eight reflections
What is the difference between group therapy and a support group?
Support groups are often focused on a specific theme/issue like grief and loss, eating disorders, addictions. These groups can be led by therapists, treatment professionals or para professional
12-Step groups like Alanon and AA are examples of support groups that are led by members as opposed to a trained professional
The aim of group therapy is to help members put their thoughts and feelings into words. The focus is on understanding relationship patterns; however, process groups do not have a specific topic, they are centered on what members are experiencing in the here-and-now. These groups are led by psychotherapist.
Can I attend a group online instead of in-person?
Yes, I offer many online group therapy sessions. Both the Women’s Group and three Co-Ed Groups are currently held virtually. Anyone who lives in the states of California, New York, or Texas can join.
Where can I learn more about group therapy?
This NY Times article entitled "Why Group Therapy Worked" may help you understand how you can benefit from group therapy. The author says "and what I did in the microcosm of the group I did in the larger world outside the group, including my marriage". He describes the value in having multiple mirrors reflecting back his behavior in group.
The American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA) produces a pamphlet entitled What is Group Therapy?, click on the title to read it. Feel free to call or email for more information about group therapy in Los Angeles, California and Texas.